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LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:00 am
by Kanonfodda

We are approaching a time of choice, the forces of terror are amassing and we need to formulate our tactics and pick our battlefield for the upcoming GLOBAL OFFENSIVE, we need to COUNTER these TERRORIST forces and STRIKE back at the SOURCE of the terror. The choices are whether we go ultra old-skool, merely slightly old-skool, or ultra-modern.

We need to weigh up a couple of things, the overall availability to those attending, and relative popularity. For this we would like everyone attending to update their GAMES LIST with any of the three members of the COUNTER-STRIKE family that you might own, but ranked in the order of your preference. Please place them as numbers 1, 2, and 3 in your list with your other choice following in rapid succession. This will allow us to gauge which game will best support up to a five player team across each of the four teams. We will consider the highest ranked version that has a sufficient support to make a viable tournament.

Please be aware the only votes that will count are those from FULLY PAID UP ATTENDEES. If you want to influence the games choice for this and any other tournaments you will need to sign up and pay up.

We will make a decision based on the state of the GAMES LIST at midnight on Sunday the 31st May. This should give everyone who wants to participate and influence the choice a chance to sign up and pay up as it strategically includes a pay day for most people.

As a general note please take the opportunity to update your GAMES LIST with any new games you've purchased recently. We do look at the summary generated by the games list for inspiration if there are any appropriate candidates at the fore, and so having up to date information is invaluable.

So in summary ... GAMES LIST ... COUNTER-STRIKE ... 1.6 ... SOURCE ... GLOBAL OFFENSIVE ... #1 ... #2 ... #3 ... GAMES-LIST ... GO! GO! GO!

'der Management

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:13 pm
by Sarainy
I may be wrong in this, as I am quite ignorant when it comes to FPS... but isn't GO much more beginner friendly?

As someone who put a few hundred hours into 1.6 and source and only 11 hours into GO, take this with a hefty dose of salt.

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 7:47 am
by Kanonfodda
You probably know more than me on that one, lets see id CD cane wade in :)

Useful info if we have a tiebreaker situation though, thank you sir :)

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:00 am
by jobabob
This is one of the rare times I completely disagree with your choice of games for LL24, you usually choose games that are relatively unplayed so that everyone has a chance.

Have I missed something? 3 variants of CS makes me not want to participate in anything.

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:42 am
by CyberDrac
The theme is 24, with hints of a few other things thrown into the mix, but a terrorist versus counter-terrorist scenario. We believe that Counter-Strike fits that well. Given that there are three versions being played we thought that getting feedback on which is most likely to support the team size and distribution needed to run a tournament would be a good idea. So we have asked everyone to put which games they own in the series into their games list, and order them in preference to give us the information to make that choice. We hope that knowing the choice of game four months in advance of the tournament would give everyone a chance to level the playing field and familiarise themselves with the chosen game.

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:28 pm
by Kanonfodda
jobabob wrote:This is one of the rare times I completely disagree with your choice of games for LL24, you usually choose games that are relatively unplayed so that everyone has a chance.

Have I missed something? 3 variants of CS makes me not want to participate in anything.
We are only going to be playing one of the three versions, the tournaments are just to allow us to gauge popularity for each one :)

once the version is picked, the other two tournaments will be removed :)

but I can understand the confusion, especially in light of the comms issues we seem to be having :)

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:36 am
by Byta
Yes have to say not to happy with choice this coming lan hence why I have not made a choice as most likely won't be taking part in this one sorry to say :( .

Re: LlamaLAN 24 - Choose and Perish

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:40 am
by Kanonfodda
Lot of counter strike hate on here! I'm surprised

Just to reiterate we are only running one CS tournament, the three created are just for voting purposes! there will be three other tournaments running different games as usual :)