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trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:57 pm
by chrisakira
as the title suggests, im puttin it out there. as much as i love a good competitive fps, i personally feel that 17's tourneys were a bit too much fps (left 4 dead, warsow, UT, CoD (i know it was clan but still a tourney game) and armagetron just to mix things up).

i think that TM would be a nice shake up as a 1v1 and easy enough to do - 10 minute matches, best lap time within ten minutes wins, standard 1v1 scoring applies.
as you progress up the tree the tracks become harder (selected from the next difficulty colour up for each bracket) and the final (and maybe the semis) should probably be a 20 minute length purely coz of the length of the black tracks

tracks should be from the free version only, so that its accessible to anyone who wants to play without having to pay for the game, meaning it'll be stadium tracks with the f1 style cars all the way through.

thats just my thoughts anyways. i just think that UT/Quake has had its time as 1v1 and everyone knows the top 5 lineup before the tourney even starts.

reply on here if you have any thoughts, good or bad, about the idea, whether you'd consider joining it (adding the game to your games list on here will help =D) and lets just see what happens

Re: trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:10 pm
by YaZoR
As much as I like TrackMania, I don't think it suits 1v1 tourneys.
I've had far more fun in either free 4 fall, or team based games (red v blue v green v yellow).

Though let's see what everyone else thinks? Maybe part of LL XIX ?

Re: trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:49 am
by Golem
I hope I don't offend with this but it's only my opinion, not those of the LAN admin collective ;)

As much as we 'already know' the top lineup, it's not always a given, but more than that I do feel there's no reason we should punish people for being good at a game genre by taking that entire genre away :D

If a team was always awesome at L4D2, it wouldn't be fair to never play L4D2 again just cos we know who's most likely to win. It's actually part of the challenge to see how well you do against them, and the fun as long as you keep up the spirit of fun and don't get too lost in a serious competitiveness. Personally I try to keep my contest with myself, trying to improve my performance over the last time, rather than trying to beat the guy who's most likely to get to number one.

I am not sure Trackmania's race format would work well for a double elim 1v1. Maybe a 1v1 league. A league with 16 entries would probs work well online, but at a 3 day LAN that would take way too long :lol:

Really though, as always, it's about what people most want to play and what most suits the theme of the event. The FPS tournies will have their day when no one wants to play em :) We do manage to force the issue sometimes, but even our most successful attempt was still an FPS (Far Cry... such a surprisingly brilliant tourny :DD well I thought so!)

Chat about this stuff's always good to tease out what people are thinking about, cheers Chris :)

Re: trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:40 am
by thebrook
I personally think rather have the same guys at the top of the tree (Joose, Golem, Yazor, Chris, and Clueless) we should play something else which will give others a chance (who don't play FPS). Hey.. FPS is awesome, but to give more of a LAN/family feel to it, having another genre as well would work nicely I think.

Have you thought about doing 2 tourneys? One for those FPS guys, and another for non-FPS (trackmania for example) - and you can only enter into one of them - and the points remain the same in both double elims..

And where you said the time, I dont think it would take up 'that' much time.. It would probably be shorter than a 1v1 FPS (normally 20 minute games, and TM would be 10 minutes.. or whatever you decide lol)

I think two double elims would be cool, as maybe some of the girls (rogue, zodiack, claire and co) would love to join!


Re: trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:34 pm
by Joosebug
personally i like the idea of trackmania being played at lan it adds variety to the LAN, not sure if it should be 1v1 though as i'm not sure how it would operate but if we sorted out a good like double elimination setup it would be good. Trackmania otherwise should definately take place in big team games, the games we had at previous lans were actually successful so yeah. =D

Re: trackmania for 18's 1v1?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:07 pm
by Golem
TM was one of the big games at LL15, as a team game, it's ace :)