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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:07 pm
by king_clueless
Just wanted to shout a massive thanks to all those involved with making LlamaLAN17 such a success. KF, Kryton, Golem and special mention to CyberDrac who nearly was in need of a (in Heavy voice) “MEDIC!” after a ladder slipped while he was hiding the spring sun from us budding Llamas.

Also will take the opportunity to say thanks to everyone actually, another great LAN and it was fun playing and seeing you all.

Yellow team, well I love you guys and well done keeping Green team on their toes. Blue and Red team to come back strong next LAN mind. I can sense it already :)

Cheers girls and guys, checking the work diary first thing tomorrow ;)


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:11 am
by Zodiack
It were truly fabulous.

Repeating thanks! :D

And see you in November! ;D


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:33 am
by chrisakira
agree with everythin above, thanks all the admin guys for sortin out an excellent weekend, had an awesome time. already lookin forward to LL18 =D can yellow start a winning streak? we shall have to wait n see =)


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:55 am
by Golem
Heh glad you had such a good time, at least the teething issues didn't hamper it too much! Comes with the territory of continuously trying new/improved/experimental things ;) The competition was SOOOO close it was insane, at least Green didn't make it an easy Yellow victory eh ;)

Methinks I best get my seat confirmed ASAP, people are filling up those blocks already!!