LlamaLAN 16 Propaganda.. erm... Inspirational Recruitment!

October 28th - 30th 2011
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LlamaLAN 16 Propaganda.. erm... Inspirational Recruitment!

Post by Golem »

Here he is, the Hero of Llamatopia is now the face of the Starship Troopers!

(slap the general's face for inflated version)
Image thumbnail

Forum version:


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He and the Green Team may be leading the ground assault but every one of you bags of meat can do your part today. Only eight seats are left and we are over subscribed in registrants, but not every one is brave enough to sign their lives over to the Starship Troopers. So go find those who are!

Post this image and recruit the last few mercenaries we need to stand the best chance of having any kind of future!

If you like, include the following info:
  • Just eight seats left
  • Just £25 per trooper
  • Dedicated broadband internet connection
  • Enlist today at http://www.llamalan.co.uk!
Registered but not confirmed your place amongst the heroes of the Space Invader war? Don't wait too long. ;)
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