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Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:39 pm
by Haste
"1v1 16 Player Tournaments:
Unreal Tournament 2004 (or UT3, if enough have it)
.. AND ...

so this means..... we are playing ut2k4 or ut3 AND warsow?

so two 1v1 tournaments?

or half 1v1 on ut and other on warsow?

im confused.

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:29 am
by Zodiack
As far as I gather, it's two separate tournies, man. :D

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:03 am
by Kanonfodda
Apologies for not making the email clear :)

It is 2 1v1 tournaments. 1 on Warsow, one on UT (whichever version people most want to play).

both will be 16 players, with a maximum of 4 players from each big team.

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:16 pm
by Haste
This is so totaly awesome!

But, that means 2 first places?

or they battle it out 1 game on ut2k4 and 1 game on warsow :D


Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:54 pm
by king_clueless
I don't know what the hell is going on and can't play either game well.

However if I have another awesome battle with you Haste I'll be well happy. This time I'll record it if poss mind. One kill in it last LlamaLAN. Hope I can make it to the later rounds again. Not going to be easy tho :S

Oh and BTW . . . INSTAGIB please please please (levels the playing field)

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:15 pm
by Haste
actually yeah, isnstagib does level it slighty.

Would be nice to have :D

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:34 pm
by Golem
Levels the playing field? But doesn't that mean you need to have a perfect aim every time? Sounds like a disadvantage to the non-pros to me! :o

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:16 pm
by Haste
Well the thing is, aim is very dependent on the player, and considering majourtiy of the people at llamalan have played any type of fps people have good aim over eveerything. With having only 1 weapon, people only have to think about the already difficult moving in warsow, and anything else in ut3.

Yeah, some peoples aims might be better than others. But i think have a battle of aims is a better fight than having a battle of amount of time playing game, and know where to go, what weapon to use?

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:13 pm
by Bobtastimo
[This is only slightly related, but I felt like sharing]

Back when Halo (1) came out of the Xbox, I made a game type in the multiplayer called 'InstaGib'. Basically it's rules were; all players have 50% max health and no shields; all players spawn with a rocket launcher with 2 rounds; all weapons in the map replaced with extra rocketlaunchers.
It was incrediable hectic, but also damn entertaining. And it was a very fair playing field.
I remember the second time I played it with some friends, one friend of mine who had never played halo before (and hadn't really played many fps ever) totally owned the rest of us (I think it was something like his 50 kills against the next closest to winning who had about 35 kills).

Good fun.

I also remember playing some on some InstaGib servers back in the original Unreal Tournament, also a good laugh. :)

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:52 pm
by Kanonfodda
Just to throw in my two pennith, I have NEVER enjoyed a game of instagib. I've played it many times and very rarely get a kill due to being totally owned by everyone else INSTANTLY.

this is why I have never run an instagib tournament and never plan to :)

Just to let you know ;)

I will however do my best to run up some instagib servers for people to play on :)

Re: Got the email. Obviously a few questions

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:31 pm
by YaZoR
Instagib doesn't even the playing field. What you will see is thus:

The better players will have a far greater score than the "non-versed". You will see a big divide between the two.
You tend to get spawn whores who aim at respawn locations picking up easy frags.

Not dissuading Instagib, I love it, just don't think that the 1 hit 1 kill will make it easier for everyone. It'll only make it easier for the better players, and frustrating for others.

/me wishes he was there for the Warsow tourney. Conspiracy! I cry!!