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LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:29 am
by Kanonfodda
Thought I would start this for people to post their opinions

what did we do right?
what can we do better?

I've already got a few bits of feedback from people, including looking into portable showers. I'll be doing this over the next few months, but if we go for it, they will add to the cost of running the event :(

any other suggestions, please post them here!

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:04 pm
by Zodiack
Showers would be luvverlyyyy. :)

Everything was done awesomesauce-ly, a mon avis.
The only thing that really needs improving is that yellow needs to win. Fo sho. :)

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:36 pm
by Haste
A majour flaw that im going to have to point out, is that llamalan is well to awesome to be on this earth.

much <3

That tactics game is THE most FUCKING awesome game evah.

i cant belive how fun that was, having it on projecter so that everybody can just submit and watch it fight was so god damn awesome, and if it isnt at next lan, i will break down into histrical crying......and then get back up and game.

Tournaments where good, however many people don't have much motivation to do the big games, no idea why. I find them so much fun, when we arn't getting ripped to shreads :).

Btw i wanna thank kannonfodda, i know i walked up to you so many times with problems, they was quickly fixed :)

Oh and, Projector need to go on other wall next time, so that ALL teams can see it. Because only the three teams around it can see it, and even then, it was at a weird angle, i was lucky cause i got tactics on the projector on my team,the last team has to get up to see it. :)

Much <3 to all the people that make Llamalan what it is, you are truely godly :) and i hope me and my firends didn't leave any mess?

I made sure to clean my only fork i used all lan and put it back in the draw :D

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:23 pm
by Egonomic
i agree with Haste about the big games, it was a pitty on a couple of them at a few people were abit careface about them, but then again if people dont want to play that certain game we cant do much to change that.

Llama lan was my first ever lan and it was hella fun, plenty of epic moments in there.

also i really do hope there will be a update on the tactics game it was a great game to play during the breaks of playing other games. Also being abut selfish and really hope TF2 gets a eyes in on the next event, who could have thought you could have so much fun playing a medic in that game :P

Also want to thank Kannonfodda for getting everything sorted and Ragnor for the chippy run :-P

all in all spaces permitted (and if russki is going) i will definatly be coming for the Llamadome!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:04 pm
by CyberDrac
Unfortunately, my epic Good, Bad, and Ugly thread was overwritten because I posted it before the forums were migrated back to the website ... I'll have to try and remember what I put.

But basically ... Epic Event ... much fun ... too little time ... needs hot water

I'll add more as I remember it :)

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:05 pm
by Ragnor
Just wanted to say thanks too. I really enjoyed this lan, much more than the last few were I have ummed and ahhed about coming.

I preferred that the tournaments matches were only 4 player per team (Armegatron, HL DM and L4D) as this meant they got under way much more quickly instead of the long delays of people getting teams together. I know it meant that for some teams people didnt get to play every round but I didnt mind sitting out and everyone got a go at something (at least on the green team, hats of to golem for organising). The projector games forming one of the tournaments in a co-op style was also v good (even though I couldnt see who I was playing as most of the time) and made sure that the whole team got together.

I liked that there was more space for sleeping on the stage instead of the little room up top.

The clan matches dont seem to fit in to the LAN properly still. I wasnt there on the sunday so dont know whether it got played or not but the TF2 match didnt seem to want to be played. Possibly because its a game FTD play and FTD have such a large prescense (or however you spell it) on the green team tipping the odds or whether becuase it required more players. I dont really have a recommendation on how to fix this but it still didnt really work imo.

Thanks all for sorting and organising


Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:25 am
by Joosebug
loved it as always,
thanks for an amazing llamageddon

but also as always, and its a reccurring problem and its to do with the running of the tournements.
i do feel like the team sizes being smaller set to 4 and 5 instead of like 6 was a good idea, this helps.
but stuff like the TF2, and i dunno if every defcon game got played, but overall tournements went fairly ok tbh :D
i think it just ends up on an admin, shouting a bit more to get people to play matches. perhaps we need to enlist a robot to do this job? *slaps self* sorry, i thought i was in the world of Bladerunner then. *cough*

:D :D :D all round thumbs up was good to see KF behind his little control desk, made llama lan look a bit more professional = ) and i dont think i saw him give the finger once, but iono maybe KF's becoming a happier chappy :D rawr. Go go llama lan :)

can't wait for LlamaDome, hope it brings forth a new era of 1v1 gaming, Quake, Doom, UT, maybe even the sort of rumble chaos of game play in the game Fusion Frenzy, even though that was on Xbox apart from mad max it was the second thing that came to mind when i first saw LlamaDome come up on screen o.O =P
woot woot!

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:03 pm
by Golem
Highlight for me - 0m0sa's New Zealand rugby team's haka.


Yes, hot water, even in the sinks, would be nice. And maybe we should ask for, or I guess provide, a few periodically replaced towels. :mrgreen:

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:26 pm
by Thumper
The LAN was brilliant just seemed there was alot more to so than LL12. is there any chance of the pictures being uploaded soon?

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:41 pm
by Kanonfodda
Working on it :) With any luck will get some up this weekend :D

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:18 pm
by Zodiack
Woohoooo pics! :DDD
I've been checking periodically, and each time, a lil bit of me got sad face. ):

Joooose come back to yellow next timeeee. :)

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:05 pm
by Sykodelika
No, I want Joosebug to join red so he doesn't totally own me at stuff!

Awesome weekend and everyone is lovely! Apart from KF, the pooface :P

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:24 pm
by Kanonfodda
Sykodelika wrote:Awesome weekend and everyone is lovely! Apart from KF, the pooface :P
*blackholes IP*

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:39 pm
by king_clueless
Hello all and sorry for my delayed feedback.

As you may have noticed I’m signed up (if not paid yet) for the next LlamaLAN, LlamaDOME!

So you’ll probably gather that I had a great time of it all and definitely keen to do it all again.

The location is good with it not being far from a motorway so easy enough to get to with a car. Parking wasn’t too bad even with the scouts being there on the Friday.

Loved the name tag badge thing, made it feel like a real event and did help identify what team/group we were in. I consider myself very lucky to be in the Yellow team. I had got to briefly know theBrook over Steam before the event who throughout the weekend was nothing short of a gentleman.

After setting myself up I ran off to get some grub from the local shops which I knew about thanks to the handy google map notes put up by CyberDrac I think. Upon my return I found the Yellow team in the kitchen who at once made me feel very welcome. A great bunch of guys who I really enjoyed playing alongside all weekend.

One thing about the event was it was clear that a lot of people already knew each other so for a newbie it was nice that some guys introduced themselves. Thanks to all that had a word over the weekend. It’s great to meet and play with avid gamers isn’t it? Over the weekend I remembered how to play HL2:DM, found my love of Trackmania again, realised I can go toe to toe with some talented gamers (well played Haste btw) and most of all I now, know I can run on a Haribo, McCoys and Dr Pepper based diet!

I was naughty and went to Maidstone, LA fitness for my showers so the only thing I would try to improve would be the down time between games. Bearing in mind not everyone is mates it’s sometimes hard to get a grip on what the hell is going on or what people are playing. Timetables are good but rarely kept too.

I once went to an Unreal LAN and there it was easy. I think there were only a couple of servers running with competitions outside of the main free for alls. This way even a complete n00b like me at the time could jump on the instagib/normal server knowing that something was going on all the time. Tbh the instangib server was busy all weekend deep until the night when we all collapsed such was the intensity of it all. God knows how many times I must have spawned/killed that weekend. Er long story, main point, particular focus for action outside of mates/competition etc.

Right enough from me. Thanks again to everyone espesh admins for all their hard work and the Yellow team for welcoming me in 

oh some photos here but nothing great tbh, I was having too much of a laugh to stop and take photos :P

Re: LlamaLAN 13 Official Feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:03 pm
by CyberDrac
Make sure those photos end up in the Galleries :)