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Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:57 am
by Haste
Ok well recently i got new headphones, and i do alot of video editiing.

When saving some of my unused video so i can use another time i save in AVI, so its not lossless.

Of course this means MASSIVE files, and alot of data shoved into the media or video player when i look at them.

This is my problem, with the amount of massive raw data shoved at Vlc player or WMP 11 it just wont play AVI anymore.

My Soun/Video codec used to be able to play AVI, just very laggy and sometimes looking in slow motion, however i tried a different codec with very good reviews, this one being K-lite codec.

Ofc this then broke it compltly, i cannot veiw Avi files what so ever, so now im kinda ticked off, when you look for an upgrade and then get worse.

I need your help in eitehr changing to a good Video/Audio Codec, and yes i have got Divx codex and Xvid Installed, however it hasnt fixed the problem, im hoping this will be an easy fix, however things arnt usually like that my friends :)

Much <3 for all the help from you guys.


Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:52 am
by YaZoR
.avi is just a container, not a video format. What video codec is used to encode the video? If they are just uncompressed, then no codec is needed. Same goes with audio if that is uncompressed wave data.

vlc Player doesn't use any installed codecs, it has it's own built in. So if neither vlc or WMP will play, it rather suggests the problem could be elsewhere..... but where?

First thing I'd try is; Download virtualdub (if you haven't already got it), and with that can you open the video and "see" it's contents?

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:26 am
by Golem
If a codec is in use in any avi file, you can find out which one. Open it in textpad (or some txt editor capable of opening a gazillion meg files) and look for the string 'VIDS'. Nearby (almost immediately after) you will see something to suggest the codec. For example it might look like 'VIDS:DIVX'.

You might see that the videos that are failing contain such a string and thus use some kind of codec.

Using virtualdub is a great idea! I've used that myself to open damaged AVIs and extract the stuff I want while Media Player / Winamp didn't want to know.

As I said in the other thread, seriously consider the huffy lossless codec. It makes a major difference in size, you lose no quality at all, and you're far more likely to be able to open your AVIs in a standard player.

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:18 pm
by Haste
Ok well, im not 100% sure, becuase im def not a Guru myself at Pc software.

I would like to ask another question.

Since im going to rebuilding after lan, i need to find the best programs for my pc.

I know what im doing for my graphics card, although my sound card im not sure about, i do know what drivers to use, but im not sure if they psuh my sound card to its fullest, i mean with headphones like these i expected a little more.....i dunno........ Amazement when i heard them, then realising, this isnt just some smalll little console that does plug n play (thank god) it will also have alot to do with my pc hardware and software installed. Anybody can help my out, the sound card i currently have is the......Sound Blaster Audigy SE Card, im going to check for an update right now, but im not to sure if this will make my sound a bit nicer?

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:18 am
by Golem
I bought a Xonar DX 7.1 card (PCI-e, but the PCI version is probably better as there's no bridge) and this through the Medusa NX 5.1 headset I have sounded fantastic. :)

Currently I can't use it since I changed my motherboard and am using the 5.1 PCI-e board that came with it, but I intend to get it back in at the earliest opportunity.

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:38 pm
by YaZoR
Haste wrote:Sound Blaster Audigy SE
That's an old card. I have the Audigy2, which is nearly as old.

Simple fact with Creative, their hardware is good, their software/drivers are dire.

I'm in need of upgrading my sound card also, as Creative don't support Audigy2 to it's fullest (ie. no EAX) on WinXP x64, so I've had to hack them to work.

Though I'm going to go via Golem's recommendation and look at the Xonar range. Looks like I'll be going for the Xonar DS.
Supported in Linux also, so that's a plus for me.

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:54 pm
by Haste

Huffy video codec is amazing, once i had messed around with it for a while, got setting just right it looked amazing, and no lag, im so happy


now i need a good audio codec, becuase i dont know which is best becuase i had to make a new preset on sony vegas, im not sure which audio codec is good to use, i used to have lame mp3, it deleted itself, so i tried to reinstall, then found it you have to put in command through CMD

Im not saying i cant do that, cause i can, its just i need something more realible that WILL work when i install.

Any Codecs guys?

THANKS ALL you are life savers

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:23 pm
by YaZoR
Well, I have to throw my FOSS cents in here.

(Ogg) Vorbis?

Or for lossless quality, FLAC?

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:46 pm
by Haste
Ok vobis, confused about, i know the difference between scource code and the actual thing, but i cant find the downloader i need to have it as a codec so i can use it through sony vegas??

and im downloading flac now :)

Re: Sound / Video Codec

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:31 am
by Golem

Huffy video codec is amazing,
Glad you saw the light. :D

You should see a dramatic difference in space use. I recommend you huffy any uncompressed avis you have sitting around.