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Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:58 am
by Mikeh
Hello Old Freinds,

i am planning to attend the awsomeness that is llamalan once again,

from 2004 was my last time i was at the event and im looking forward to seeing,

Cyberdrac (MAYBE We could hit up some SOF2 again and this time you without the towel and the badness sun glare :) )

and all others.

I moved down the road in Strood real life sorta took me over last few years

What games are everyone playing nowdays the only thing i got is TF2 and Civ4...

Going to Sign up NOW!


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:50 am
by Golem
My goodness me...

/me explodes in the midsts of another blast from the past*

* for the second time


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:10 pm
by Mikeh
just browsing the pictures and im gonna be scared so i might just hide in the corner with all the new faces i dont even play with no1 :)

good to see Tim and Drac looking Healthy, Kryton looking exactly the same as he has, and Golem i see you've still got that puzzle look on your face when sitting at a computer :)

Obviously this "gaming makes you unfit/health" is a load of rubbish because you all look really well.