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Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:06 pm
by Golem
Another cash-in disaster movie from the man who brought us the rather superficial Independance Day - 2012!

Ties in nicely to our next LAN though so I fancied mentioning it. ;)

This film is in cinemas from today, Friday 13th November 2009. While the story is unlikely to be of any value the graphics of the movie look pretty outstanding.


Being totally honest, I may end up seeing this in cinema if I go along looking for something to see and there's no preferable option. I think if there's any time to watch this it'll be on the big screen. Anything less will lose the only the only going for it.

Re: 2012

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:50 pm
by Zodiack
It does indeed look pretty.


Should go and check that out as research for my grading and After Effects project! xD