
17th-19th April 2009
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Post by D3TH »

Like to thank the admin team + CD (you know you love it) for a great weekend.. was fun even with short of time!!

looking forward to next lan.. sooooo far away shame we didn't have a summer one :(

EDIT = i knew i would own at audiosurf :P should of done all the songs shouldn't i golem ;)
Lans Attended: LL9, i33, i34, LL10, i35, i36, LL11

Lans Planning to Attended = i37, LL12

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Re: Thanks

Post by Golem »

Guess what I found in my letterbox - the six inflatable guitars I ordered last Monday!

I thought it was a shame we couldn't get the TF2 games done. Green v Blue was very enjoyable. Those Sunday Steam probs reminded me why people complain about Steam so much... :(

But the rest was brilliant fun. I'm glad the Mr. Green faces went down so well. :mrgreen: The Rock Band stuff on Saturday went far better than I expected. Photos, and hopefully even video and audio recordings, coming soon...
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Re: Thanks

Post by Kanonfodda »

I'm glad the LAN was enjoyed by everyone :)

keep your eyes open for details of 12 :)
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Re: Thanks

Post by Dragon »

Heh, yeah the rockband stuff was a lark, and typically enough I got home, and tried the bass part on our track again.. and first time got 100%, just goes to show how it goes to pieces when leave your comfort zone.
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Re: Thanks

Post by jobabob »

or when you can't read the words to a song you know all the words to, which was wierd. I should've set it to kareoke mode as those syllables are annoying as hell to try and read
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