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Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:57 am
by D3TH
Hi well when the Lamas decided to make UT2004 both main tournys i was abit disappointed but felt they made the right choice.

As golem might explain i have tried the onslaught mode and don't really like it. I have played it with clan mates and friends but still can't get the hand of it.

My Plee is to see if we can change something as i just found out something.

I didn't know UT2004 has a CTF mode. With BASIC maps with no vechiles and simple maps.

CTF is based on skill and TEAM WORK, you really need to work as a team. Get defense sorted and attacking.

I am not asking for a mode switch. I am asking for a vote. A simple vote that can last 1 week. To see what is the best game mode.

I think onslaught is abit complicated for people that do not play UT2004.

I think CTF can be fun. Everyone can play it as it is nice and simple.

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:36 am
by evilgangsta
I think that was the idea really mate nobody is used to it so nobody has the advantage, it is an even playing field.

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:18 am
by Kanonfodda
Hi D3th,

As evilgansta said, the idea is that the playing field is even. There is no TF2 camp that will run off with that game, or COD4 camp that will take over on that game. Equally, there are a lot of CTF players that would dominate over players who simply play DM style games.

This is why we decided to go for a game type that is not widely known, to try and even out all these differences and allow the skills of the players and their teams to come through.

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:28 am
by YaZoR
CTF is fun I agree.

But slapping in vehicles makes it more of a laugh.

I'm here for the fun, and half of it is what you make it. :wink:

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:38 am
by Golem
Don't worry mate, I'll do my best to lay out the plan in advance of each match and give us all roles to fulfill. When someone in charge gives each player specific roles, life becomes a lot simpler and you don't have to be concerned with the big picture if it's too much. :)

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:04 pm
by D3TH
oh well.....

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:04 pm
by Dezz
seriously golem was an ace leader last time , which surely contributed to our team doing so well in tf2 ..
he said stay there or do that .. and kill shit ,
and we did and the results of that meant that 4 of us who had never played tf2 before we able to contribute to the team.

personally i love onslaught and instead of doing 1v1 practice before the last llamalan , i spent the whole time being addicted to .... onslaught.
vehicles are probably the funnest part of ut2k4 -- "vehicular mansluaghter"

peace out

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:31 pm
by D3TH
i can't do it.. it a bad mode. All these tanks and stuff... open maps and stuff.. Not my cup of tea.

only playing as it is the only game that the BIG colour teams are in soo i want to take part not like last time where steam didn't like me at all....

Re: Seriously Reconsider Please...

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:44 am
by Ripper
I gotta agree with death on this one
ctf yes onslaught eh not so great
but i guess onslaught has its moments
just a thought 0X