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LlamaLAN 9 - Half Life 2 Team Deathmatch Tournament Rules

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:20 am
by CyberDrac
'Friday Evening's Team Big Game' - Half Life 2 Team Death Match

- the tournament will be played as a league with home and away matches

- there will be four teams, yellow, red, blue and green
- the max team size will be calculated based on the smallest team fielded (including mercenaries)
- the teams may be drawn from a squad consisting of team mates from their team colour and may be varied from match to match
- the teams may be supplemented by mercenaries, but they must play for only that one adopted team for that tournament

- there will be 12 matches played for the entire tournament
- each team will play each other team twice, once as a home match, once as an away match
- each match will last 20 minutes
- each match will be one way only
- home side determines the map to be played
- home side determines the game team colour to be played
- match times will be publicised at the event
- there will be a 10 minute break between matches
- the match will be declared forfeit if either team do not start the match within the 10 minute period of time after the publicised start time, and winning points and a 10-0 score will be awarded to the team with a complete roster in the server, or in the event of two incomplete teams a 0-0 draw will be declared
- there will be no overtime or sudden death

- the in-game scoring system will be used
- the team with the most points is the winner, if the points are equal the match is declared a draw
- 3 league points are awarded for a Win, 1 for a Draw, 0 for a Loss

Map choices
- the map choice for each team mush be declared before the tournament starts
- the map choice may not be changed once the tournament has started
- the maps must be chosen from a list to be published before the tournament starts
- the map choice is as follows; dm_lockdown, dm_overwatch, dm_powerhouse, dm_resistance, dm_runoff, dm_steamlab, dm_underpass

Fair play
- Use of cheats and map exploits is not permitted
- No abusive language, either spoken or written, or griefing will be tolerated

Timing (provisional)
20:30-20:45 - HL2TDM Tournament Briefing
21:00-21:20 - HL2TDM 1st Round
21:30-21:50 - HL2TDM 2nd Round
22:00-22:20 - HL2TDM 3rd Round
22:20-22:50 - Dinner Break
23:00-23:20 - HL2TDM 4th Round
23:30-23:50 - HL2TDM 5th Round
00:00-00:20 - HL2TDM 6th Round

Matches and Results

Red v Yellow on overwatch
Green v Blue on underpass

Yellow v Red on runoff
Blue v Green on lockdown

Blue v Yellow on lockdown
Red v Green on overwatch

Yellow v Blue on run off
Green v Red on underpass

Green v Yellow on underpass
Blue v Red on lockdown

Yellow v Green on runoff
Red v Blue on overwatch

edit 1 : provisional timings added - CD
edit 2 : matches added