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LlamaLAN 8 - 4 Weeks to Deadline

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:41 pm
by CyberDrac
Fellow Llamas,

Less than three weeks after the signups open you are well on our way to making the event a reality, out of the necessary twenty paid signups we have eleven, yes folks that’s right we are over the half way mark, even better we have 5 more people signed up and hopefully with their wallets at the ready. But remember my fellow Llamas, we aren’t there yet.

So, here is the reminder …

The deadline is SUNDAY the 8th of JULY 2007 at MIDDAY
This is only 4, yes FOUR, WEEKS away
There is only ONE more PAYDAY for most people between now and the deadline
We need TWENTY FULLY PAID UP participants to allow the event to run

… so there it is, and now for something completely different.

Our illustrious head Llama, Kanonfodda, ably assisted by the multi-talented Golem, has been hard at work on the LlamaLAN website at introducing a whole raft of new features, one of which we can reveal to you today.

The LlamaLAN website now has some wonderful tournament software included, we can create tournaments for the event, and more importantly you can create Clans, alliances and affiliations in order to compete, if you don’t belong to a clan but want to play you can put yourself down as a Merc and the clan leaders can invite you to fill spaces in their teams. Then of course all you need to do is play the games, and fill out the score sheets and hopefully be declared victorious!

The ‘BIG GAMES’ will also be part of the tournament system and so you should see when you should be supporting your half of the LAN, be it the glorious RED team, or the pond scum sucking lowlifes which inhabit the blue side.

Also I would like to remind you of the voting system we operate for the ‘Big Games’ and the tournaments, as such we encourage people to update their profiles on the website to include the games that they will have installed, and most importantly the order of preference. Remember, if you don’t update your profile you are losing out on your chance to influence the games played. If you want a game added to the list then PM either CyberDrac or Kanonfodda and we add it as soon as we can. If you want to see the current standings then go to the ‘EVENTS’ section, under ‘LlamaLAN 8’ you will see ‘Game List’ which currently stands at …

Unreal Tournament 2004
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 1942
Quake III Arena
Half Life 2 Team Death Match
Joint Operations
Quake 4
Far Cry
Dawn of War
Jedi Academy

… the BIG GAME selection will be made from the TOP TEN listed there THREE WEEKS before the event, of course we would never prevent anyone from play a game other than those selected, but we ask that if a game is running, and you have it installed, please join in and make LlamaLAN 8 the best LlamaLAN yet.

So, get signed up, get paid up, see you there!

‘der Management

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:56 am
by CyberDrac
I was rather disheartened to see that nearly 20 e-mail address bounced the mailer since they no longer existed, hopefully posting the mailer in the forums and on the front page will pick up a few stragglers.

Could everyone please double check that the e-mail address in their profile is up to date and hasn't lapsed, if you know of people who have attended previous LANs but seem to be unaware of preparations for LlamaLAN 8 then they may be one of those people, if so could you point them to the site.

It would be a shame for people to miss out on the event purely because of an oversight in changing their e-mail address.


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:12 pm
by =|MAD|=EvO
Have sent this to =|MAD|= members but we did have a falling out. So may just be me there. However I do have a sneaking suspesion(cant spell for s*@t) that Chris aka messiah may well come down.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:31 pm
by Messiah
Tis a good possiblity yes :P