LlamaLAN 8 Announced

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LlamaLAN 8 Announced

Post by CyberDrac »

Just when you though that we had forgotten!

The planning is over, the venue beachhead is secured, and LlamaLAN 8 is about to storm the tropical shores of the Spratly Islands!

"the date?" I hear you cry! "tell us the date!" ... well LlamaLANners ... find your diaries and write in large letters **LLAMALAN 8** on the 17th, 18th and 19th of August 2007.

Yes, we're back, and this time we're Tropical! 'der LlamaLAN management have decided to put the PARTY back into LAN Party, and in addition to the usual excellent LANning experience you can expect something a little special on the Saturday night, we are pleased to welcome you to Mad 'Llama' Jack's famous Luau, kick back on the Saturday night with some Pizza and Punch and imagine yourselves on a sandy beach.

We'll run a tropical themed tournament that hopefully everyone will be able to get involved in, and a couple of big games, we will of course be reviewing the selection of games and asking you to review your lists so that we can pick the games to be played.

To cover the cost of the extra party treats the prices are a little different from previous events, but remember people, we don't make a profit, all of the funds collected go back into the events to make them event better for you, we don't usually rely on sponsors other than the ever constant support from Everglide/Gamerzstuff, and so all of the prizes and new network gear are funded directly by you, so what we bring you is the pure distilled essence of what we feel a LAN should be ... FUN!

As usual, to ensure the event goes ahead as planned we are setting a date by which we need sufficient PAID signups to cover the venue hire. So with that in mind we need 20, that right, only TWENTY paid up people by MIDDAY on the 8th of July for LlamaLAN 8 ... easy to remember ... 8th for LL8, to encourage people to sign up we will of course be running our usual discount offer ... ANYONE WHO PAYS BEFORE THE DEADLINE SAVES **£2.50** (12.5%) OFF THE NORMAL TICKET PRICE.

Spectators - £7.50 (7.95)
Early Adopters - £17.50 (18.30)
Post Deadline Price - £20.00 (20.8Cool

(prices in bracket include PayPal charges)

So get paid up early and let's make sure that the event happens as planned.

'der Management
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Post by Golem »

Yes!! How excited am I right now!?

This much!

<-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->

Expect to see the full advertisement poster by the end of this weekend. :)
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Post by Autarkus »

Thats not actually very much in widescreen :p
Powerfull big rats, Gentelmen
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Post by Golem »

Didn't fill my widescreen either, but I thought I'd demonstrated the point enough. ;)
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