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Your most memorable LL7 moments?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:58 pm
by Golem
I had a few Trackmania related incidents on some of the more expert tracks which saw KF, Kryton and I pile into the same bit of wall at the same time. The track which involves flying off randomly into the air in hope of hitting one of three suspended finish lines was excellent. :)

Also hilarious was our premier attempt at Alien Swarm's opening mission. That saw us all opening fire at the first sign of extra-terrestrial life, promptly killing eachother before we realised the friendly-fire aspect of the game. The first round lasted about one minute, ending in our demise!

I also had the opportunity to chase some disordered moped drivers off the road on the way back from the Co-op. ;)

Re: Your most memorable LL7 moments?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:09 pm
by Messiah
Golem wrote: The first round lasted about one minute, ending in our demise!
Lies, Was more like 30 secs all i can remember is Evo firing a EMP in the middle of us..

one of my memorable moments was in BF1942 on Battle of Britain map, where i kept shooting the Oppostionsplanes from there side of the map, on their aa guns, i only remember it due to Evo saying some one on my team is shooting me, i did this for a few minutes and evo still thought it was a teammate ;)

and they were memorable trackmania moments such as when i see Rik Fly above me upside down...

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:05 pm
by CyberDrac
The Alien Swarm was a definite favourite, I have found that it always works well at LANs due to the ability to scream at peoples incompetence.

The UT2004 matches, especially those on the smaller maps and with the InstaGib were highly amusing, I must remember to get the mini-gun instagib on the FTP for next time :)

The ridiculous amount of time people, including myself, spent trying to complete some of the challenges on Trackmania, that one has got to come back next time.

With a few obvious exception (damn you Steam authing) most people were able to join in most games and I think the nicest aspect of the weekend was that no-one turned there noses up at a game, they just installed it and played it regardless and I think we introduced a few people to a wider range of games than they were previously used to.

We are getting there in terms of the organisation and the Gamers Agreement seems to be holding true.