What are people up to

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Re: What are people up to

Post by D3TH »

i been playing the original UT.... at school lol

our teacher calls it research but he knows its plain fun.

We also play COD:UO, BF192 and Wolfenstein:ET.

apart from that.. i haven't been gaming alot.. i canceled my ticket to i35 as i am too busy to go so..
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Kanonfodda »

well, I just found out I have to give a presentation via video conference to our global support team :S

just slightly nervous on that one, going through the slides now, so any suggestions on how to handle this are welcome :)
  • Practice
  • Water to drink while speaking
  • don't fart...
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Re: What are people up to

Post by D3TH »

OMG i do it for you!!!!!

Public Speaking gives me a adrenaline rush of some sort.. i have no problem with it

i won best speaker in debating 4 times in a row and getting to the finals in year 10 which is awesome..
When in army cadets i did my JCIC and my SCIC cadres and came out with high grades

So advice.. practice makes perfect so you got that one...
Pretend you are talking to mates... now i am sure all of us has a big group of mates or work mates and we all chat.. Sometime you don't noticed but lets say you are saying a joke in the office ok.. to 1 person but then the guy next to him wants to listen and the gay after that and after that.. well sometimes you don't noticed but you got 10 people standing there listening to you with full concentrating and i don't see anyone getting nervous?

so in a nut shell

1. Practice with presentation and other equipment (mic anything like that)
2. Water
3. think of mates...(not naked people as there might be a very very hot woman there... its a NO NO)
4. Relax.....
5. take your time....
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Kanonfodda »

D3TH wrote:...and the gay after that and after that..
I really hope taht is a typo ;)

pretty much covered what I knew, so at least I am doing things vaguely correct. anyone who knows me, knows I hate talking infront of large groups, even mates :(
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Re: What are people up to

Post by D3TH »

Kanonfodda wrote:
D3TH wrote:...and the gay after that and after that..
I really hope taht is a typo ;)

pretty much covered what I knew, so at least I am doing things vaguely correct. anyone who knows me, knows I hate talking infront of large groups, even mates :(
it depends.. what office you work for :P
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Golem »

I've been doing public speaking schooling since about six years old and may be able to offer some advice to complement D3TH's already sound advice. :)

Breathing is important. If you're nervous, you may tense up and that will include your larynx. You may be short of breath and sound somewhat higher pitched than normal. To increase the quality of your voice then, focus on breathing slowly and breathe to fill the lower parts of your lungs first (the parts with most capacity). Your shoulders shouldn't rise if you're breathing right. If it helps, write BREATH on your pad. ;)

Keep good your posture to improve your confidence and breathing.

If it's a video conference, then your gestures and facial expressions will come into it in a big way. What has helped me tenfold is to remember that a presentation is NOT about YOU the speaker, but about the message you deliver to your audience. So keep in mind - what you are telling them is for their benefit. The subject you're speaking about is something you yourself are interested in. It is not about you looking good as a speaker. If you keep in mind the message and the that you care about the subject, you will come over more natural and sincere. Expressive gestures help this a lot.

Modulation, pitch, and volume all help make the message more natural, conversational, and sincere. Think about how you speak in conversation against how it sounds when you just read a service announcement. It's the difference between "I'm really sorry - is there any way I can help you out?" with "We apologise for the inconvenience." ;)

You're allowed to feel nervous, but you won't have show it. ;) Pausing briefly is far better than 'ummmm'.

I'll stop there for now. :)
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Kanonfodda »

remember to breath, right...;)

but seriously, thanks for the info, here's hoping I don't bugger it up completely
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Golem »

Relax the throat! Relax the damned throat dammit! :drinking:
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Wolfsijn »

And eat palmfuls of cakeh... 8)
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Re: What are people up to

Post by D3TH »

Wolfsijn wrote:And eat palmfuls of cakeh... 8)
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Kanonfodda »

Wolfsijn wrote:And eat palmfuls of cakeh... 8)
I was looking for the pics, but alas I can't find them :(
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Wolfsijn »

I am currently attempting to upload a rather nifty picture of tashtee cakeh inhaled by none other than KF himself.

Deepcake diving praccy will never be viewed the same again.

Don't breathe cake, the cake... will breathe you. :angel:
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Kanonfodda »

Upload has been approved :)

Image thumbnail

this is towards the end of the "cake face" incident. at this point I had collapsed to the floor and broken part of it!

(I have actually repaired that now!)
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Re: What are people up to

Post by D3TH »

In Russia Cake Eat you!!!
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Re: What are people up to

Post by Joosebug »


over the last week ive had about 6 hours play of Guitar Hero, ive kinda got to grips with how it works, so i reckon i now have a better standing at LL11 :P
muwhahahaha its gonna be fun. but its gonna be Rock Band isnt it ??? Hmmm. anyhoo, i just played Guitar Hero for the first time ever like, a few days ago and i really like it.
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