Your Friday night, courtesy of ProjectorGames

15-17th August 2008!
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Your Friday night, courtesy of ProjectorGames

Post by djarcas »

For the Friday night, as well as the usual gamut of ProjectorGames, old and new (yes, it will be loud. Deal. ;), I'm trying something a little... original.

There will be 4 computers up on the stage area, cunningly marked as red, green, blue and yellow. Each computer will be running a copy of the attached editor (which I highly recommend you all have a go at installing). You'll have half an hour or so of practise and setup time, then about an hour. Your goal is to make the machine that gets the 1 ton weight the furthest along the assault course.

I would recommend the red, green, blue and yellow teams also argue in this thread about exactly what their machine is going to be called ;-)

To run this, you will need the latest XNA 2.0 refresh, a new version of .NET and the LATEST VERSION OF DIRECTX. And probably a reboot.

Any questions? ;-)

[The extension zip has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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Re: Your Friday night, courtesy of ProjectorGames

Post by Kanonfodda »

I'll take a look at that when I get in :D

sounds like a good start to the weekend. Any volunteers from Blue team, post in our forum and we can pick the "engineer" to take to the stage! :D

cheers dj, sounds like it will be a good laugh
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Re: Your Friday night, courtesy of ProjectorGames

Post by Golem »

We haven't got a Green Gladiator to enter the ring yet, but, until you hear otherwise, we request that the Green Team's Machine be known as "The HULK".

Pls. :)
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Re: Your Friday night, courtesy of ProjectorGames

Post by Zodiack »

Sounds epic. :)
Deliberation time, methinks. ^^

To the yellow forummm!

I should probably try this when my brain's working. x.x
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